Message from your Clerk of the Court

Pursuant to Sections 28.47(1), Florida statutes, this is a free recording notification service open to all persons wishing to register for receiving automated recording notifications.

Through this site you can register to receive text or email alerts if a recording (paperwork regarding a deed, mortgage, etc.) takes place involving property you own. If the recording is fraudulent, you can immediately notify local law enforcement and take action to stop the fraud in its tracks before more harm is done.

We urge Florida property owners to act proactively against scammers who will attempt to steal homes, vacant land, or business property through the filing of fraudulent deeds or other official records systems. Receiving notifications that something may be amiss is the first step to fighting back. We encourage all property owners to register for this free service that your Clerk of Court has implemented.

Although the notification won’t stop the fraudulent transaction, it does give the property owner an opportunity to right the wrong before it’s too far gone. This free service does not prevent a fraudulent action from occurring but is an early warning system for subscribers – a tool to become aware of fraudulent activity that may have otherwise gone undetected. Please sign up today.

The Honorable Matt Reynolds