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Property Fraud Alert

To help protect property owners from fraud, the local government office offers a free service to notify citizens if a document has been recorded in their name. Property Fraud Alert detects all documents being recorded and sends email and text notifications within 24 hours to registered users.

Documents & Monitoring

We monitor a variety of recorded official documents, including but not limited to,

  • Liens
  • Deeds
  • Mortgages
  • Judgments

Detections & Notifying

We search for new recordings that match your monitoring criteria and alert you by way of

  • Text Message
  • Email

Sign Up

Sign up today and start protecting your most valuable investments. All you need are

  • Email address
  • Name(s) to monitor
  • Phone number to receive SMS text alerts

Local Government

Using TRIESHIELD's technology, residents and subscribers can access official records without costly customizations.
Our secured electronic communication channels ensure the highest levels of data security and maintain data integrity.

Reach out to the community

Each TRIESHIELD notification includes a personalized message from your office and is sent using your email ID.

Protect property owners

As the custodian of county's official records, you are the first line of defense to prevent fraud and protect your community.

Help local business

TRIESHIELD notification system helps commercial subscribers improve their business efficiency, reduce costs and increase profits while providing a source of revenue for you.

Commercial Subscribers

TRIESHIELD helps our commercial clients improve their business processes.
The automated same-day notification system is tailored for maximum speed and accuracy.

Title Companies

Real-time notifications for title searches are hassle-free and reliable.

Lenders & Bankers

Prompt updating ensures seamless business transactions, maintaining the utmost compliance and precision.


Timely legal action can be facilitated through alerts triggered by official recordings relevant to a client's interests.

Sign up to receive images of recorded instruments.

Contact us to help you setup the account now!

Enroll Now